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- /* Shows country codes of addresses in the current message with
- ** CountryCodes v1.0 by Paul Kolenbrander
- ** CountryCodes can be found in Aminet comm/www/CountryCodes.lha
- **
- ** YAM script written by Kai Nikulainen. If you have comments about the script,
- ** send mail to knikulai@utu.fi
- */
- options results
- /* CHANGE the correct path to the following line */
- coco_prg='Packed:Datacomm/CountryCodes/CountryCodes'
- gtxt='Select address:*n' /* Change these to modify the requester */
- gscr='_Scroll' /* _ means keyboard shortcut */
- gbut='_Exit'
- hdrs=4 /* Search e-mail addresses from these headers */
- hdr.1='To:'
- hdr.2='From:'
- hdr.3='Cc:'
- hdr.4='Bcc:'
- adrs=0
- address 'YAM'
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- call GetAddrs(result)
- cur=1
- if pos(' COCO',show(p))=0 then address command 'run >nil:' coco_prg
- l=show(p)
- p=pos('COCO',l)
- coco=substr(l,p,5)
- do while 1
- newcur=CreateRequester(cur)
- address 'YAM' 'request "'txt'" "'but'"'
- if result=0 then exit
- if result=ScrollButton then
- cur=newcur
- else do
- index=cur+result-1
- p=lastpos('.',adr.index)
- suf=substr(adr.index,p)
- address value coco
- 'LOCATE' suf
- end
- end
- exit
- CreateRequester:
- parse arg c
- txt=gtxt
- but=''
- b=1
- old_c=c
- do until c>adrs | b=8 | 210<(length(txt)+length(gscr)+length(gbut)+length(but))
- txt=txt || b')' adr.c || '*n'
- but=but || '_' || b || '|'
- c=c+1
- b=b+1
- end
- if old_c>1 | c<adrs then but=but || gscr'|'
- but=but || gbut
- ScrollButton=b
- if c>adrs then c=1
- return c
- GetAddrs: procedure expose hdrs hdr. adrs adr.
- parse arg fn
- call open(1,fn,'r')
- do until eof(1) | r=''
- r=translate(readln(1),' ','<>,'||'09'x)
- w1=word(r,1)
- if right(w1,1)=':' then h=upper(w1)
- do i=1 to hdrs
- if upper(hdr.i)=h then call Extract(r)
- end
- end /* until */
- call close(1)
- return
- Extract: procedure expose adrs adr.
- parse arg line
- do i=1 to words(line)
- w=word(line,i)
- if pos('@',w)>0 then call AddIt(w)
- end
- return
- AddIt: procedure expose adrs adr.
- parse arg a
- found_it=0
- do i=1 to adrs
- if upper(a)=upper(adr.i) then found_it=1
- end
- if ~found_it then do
- adrs=adrs+1
- adr.adrs=a
- end
- return